If you'd like, you can contact
me at:
the flood of spam these days, e-mailed worms and viruses, etc., I (and
most others) must run e-mail filters. If you use something like "Nxhrvqtsp"
as a name and a blank or random subject line like "Hey...", then you
substantially increase the chances that your message won't even be opened.
If you
have embeded images in your e-mail along the lines of what's typically
done as a footer, logo, or background wallpaper, then I can just about
gurantee that it won't make it through. Sorry, I know that it looks
nice, but better than 50% of the TONS of junk mail that I get daily
uses this same approach to hide text in an image format so that it can't
be filtered and so that the image doesn't need to be hosted on a server.
Blocking this one single thing at my server makes a HUGE difference
in what I have to sort through every day.
Pictures sent as attachments or links to an image are fine.
The above refers only to cases where a local image file is actually
embedded in the message and results in a src="cid: string in the HTML
source. This really isn't specific to me. If you're using this approach,
then you may want to consider doing things another way since you're
likely to run into problems elsewhere as well.
Note that filters also may apply on your side.
Oh yeah... working return addresses help a lot too. ; )